Tuesday, December 8, 2015



HARP Gives Homeowners a Once In A Lifetime Mortgage Bailout
A forgotten mortgage stimulus program that was passed by Obama to help the middle class has been uncovered. The program is called HARP, which stands for the Home Affordable Refinance Program. The program itself is totally free, and gives homeowners a once in a lifetime mortgage bailout. Like most government benefits this program will expire, but there is still time left for up to 700,000 qualified homeowners to take advantage. It' s important that homeowners don' t wait though as the program will expire next year.
HARP eliminates mortgage payments, reduces what homeowners owe, lowers interest rates
HARP is a program with no downside. HARP doesn't add any cost to your refi because it 's a totally free government program, and it helps qualified homeowners get better, more affordable mortgages. Homeowners have used HARP to eliminate up to 15 years of mortgage payments, cut their interest rates in half, or even to just simply lower their monthly payments and save up to $3,000 a year.